
Bizagi helps organizations to transform into digital businesses. Its process automation platform connects people, applications, devices and information to deliver the engaging experience that.

  1. People also search for.
  2. Bizagi’s industry-leading low-code business process modeling and automation platform connects people, applications, robots, and information on a single platform.

Old Mutual

“We didn’t realize it would be as successful as it is. We have an average of about 3000 transactions per second. Our net promoter score is increasing month-on-month.”

Lorelei Jensen, Head of Strategic Business Solutions


“The integration of Bizagi with our ERP system, SAP, was an emotional breakthrough for our organization. We’re going to continue to scale.”

Kyohei Shimada, Senior Manager, Technology Center


Bizagi Studio

“Bancolombia has more than 16,000 suppliers. Bizagi is one of the top 50 strategic partners we have in our bank right now.”

Jorge Otalvaro, VP of Service Delivery & Operations

Citizens Bank

“When new systems come into the bank, we make sure that on day 1 when they land that it is hooked into Bizagi, and we’ve got it hooked into RPA as well.”

Matt Lavoie, Head of RPA & iBPMS


“We’re using Bizagi and UiPath together, connecting human work and robots in an intelligent end-to-end process. It’s a very powerful combination.”

Jan Marek, DPA Team Leader


“We’ve been looking at moving our other products into Bizagi, which should help us be more efficient and effective for our customers.”

Alan Zimmerman, Senior Business Process Architect

Manpower Group

“Bizagi has become a philosophy – not just a system – which binds business and IT together in effective collaboration.”


Rui Dinis, Director of Finance & Administration

Universal Group

“DPA has changed the way customers enagage with Universal. Now, customers have 360° visibility of their claim and its stage within the process.”

Rafael Izquierdo, Executive Senior VP Administration, Risk & Legal
When you sign up for the Bizagi BPM modeler, this marks the first step of your BPM journey. With this part of the Bizagi BPM software suite, you can document, execute and evolve your processes with complete confidence, and - best of all - it's free to start (but not if you want to use it in its entirety).
The great thing about Bizagi is that it puts simplicity first. Their innovative drag-and-drop interface is designed for business people who are not programmers so that you could enjoy drawing your process maps all based on the BPM and standard notation.
Once your process diagrams are ready, you can publish high-quality documentation in MS Word or PDF and share it with other users in your business.
Additionally, the Bizagi BPM modeler lets you publish your process documentation to web pages, SharePoint, or wiki, which makes it really easy to share process documentation. Bizagi allows you to enjoy working with your team using a collaboration tool while refining your process flows.
Bizagi stock You can also chat in real-time to collaborate on any changes to the purchase request diagram. Once you get all the information you need, you can quickly and easily edit the process and notify your collaborators when you are done.
Bizagi BPM modeler allows you to simulate your process models helping you make better decisions just take a process flowchart and add some simple information such as time resources and costs, after which you can evaluate how your great ideas will impact your business in the real world.
Here are some other notable pros of Bizagi we were able to identify:
  • Proven vendor
  • Freeware modeler
  • Lots of integrations
  • Mobile BPM