Capacitor Code Chart


a device used to store an electric charge, consisting of one or more pairs of conductors separated by an insulator.

Ceramic disc capacitor code / label will normally consist of three numbers followed by a letter. They are very easy to decode to find the value. The first two significant digits represent the first two digits of the actual value, which is 47. The third digit is the multiplier, which is ×1000. The letter J signifies the tolerance of ±5%. Tantalum Capacitor Color Codes; Charts Color Color 1st Figure 2nd Figure Multiplier Voltage: Black 0 1 10: Brown 1 1 10 Red 2 2 100 Orange 3 3 Parallel Capacitance Math: C T = C 1 + C 2 + C 3 Series Capacitance Math: 1/C T = 1/C 1 + 1/C 2 + 1/C 3.

If you found the definition above to be completely inadequate in describing how a capacitor affects your tone, then this article is definitely for you. For anyone just taking in an interest in the electrical components and circuits in their guitar, the ability to truly understand how they work can become very abstract – usually because we tend to try to visualize everything, which is pretty hard to do when it comes to sound and electricity. When you think about a sound after it’s been converted to an electric signal[transduce], what do you see in your mind’s eye? I’m willing to bet that it’s something like this:

  1. Codes for date of manufacture (to IEC ) Codeforyear Codeformonth Year Code letter Year Code letter Month Code numeral Month Code numeral/letter 2012 C 2018 K January 1 July 7 2013 D 2019 L February 2 August 8 2014 E 2020 M March 3 September 9 2015 F 2021 N April 4 October O 2016 H 2022 P May 5 November N 2017 J 2023 R June 6 December.
  2. Capacitor Code Chart Pdf Free Capacitor Code Information This table is designed to provide the value of alphanumeric coded ceramic, mylar and mica capacitors in general. They come in many sizes, shapes, values and ratings; many different manufacturers worldwide produce them and not all play by the same rules.
  3. Sprague “Bumblebee” Capacitor Color Code Chart Tolerance # of Zeros 2nd Figure 1st Figure Voltage Rating in 100’s of Volts 1st Figure Outside Foil Lead 2nd Figure Capacitor Value in MMFD Example: 0.0047 mF 1 Yellow = 4 1600V DC 2 Violet = 7 +/- 20% 3 Red = 00 4 Black = +/- 20% 5 Brown =1 6 Blue = 6 4700 MMFD 1600 V.

You pluck an open E, your pickup’s magnetic field is disrupted and the vibration of the string is inducted by the magnetic coils and the frequencies travel through a copper wire (or silver, if you’re fancy) – so far, you can see everything happening as we go along, but there’s a capacitor in the circuit coming up fast. The frequencies pass through the solder joint, up the little leg into the component. And…something happens in there…

What we know for sure is that the sound is different when it comes out through the output at the end of the line, but how is the tone cap actually affecting the frequencies?

Here, according to definition, our frequencies sit for a brief moment before coming out the other side. Not exactly, let’s forget the definition entirely – it’s a very simple, broad definition that doesn’t really have specific consideration for audio applications. Take a look at your capacitor if you have your circuit handy, or just look at the images below for a moment:

( Ground Wires | Hot Wires | Tone-Cap Wires )

I’ve marked the capacitor wires in blue and given a top and bottom view of the wiring setup – it’s a fairly standard setup, and even though yours may appear a bit different, the capacitor & tone pot are likely the same: one end soldered to the pot’s arm and the second leg is soldered to the bottom of the pot (or somewhere else in the ground circuit). Why doesn’t the whole frequency get grounded off then? Let’s look at the circuit diagram now:

The capacitor is selectively drawing out the higher frequencies and leaving the lower frequencies untouched to carry along down the line. Note that the bass frequencies are ignoring the law of electricity taking the path of least resistance (to the ground). This is where things get slightly complicated: capacitors are actually meant to divert lower frequencies, which is the opposite of what we actually see happening in the diagram – and of what we know happens when you roll your tone knob around.

All of the frequencies are originally attracted to the path of least resistance, but since the capacitor is holding on to the bass frequencies, they actually pass back into the hot circuit (through the same leg they came in) while the high frequencies are allowed to escape out the ground. Stick a potentiometer just in front of the capacitor in the circuit and turn it up – you are increasing the range of higher frequencies allowed to escape through to the ground. That’s the gist of it! And if we return to the definition about electricity being stored and released, we can picture this happening in the correct sequence with perfect clarity (I hope).

If not, then maybe it’d be helpful to think of it as a resistor that only resists lower frequency ranges. The highs and the lows enter the resistor attempting to pass through to the ground circuit – the lows get stopped in the cap and turned away while the highs just skim right past to ground. A higher capacitance value gives a darker tone because a wider range of high frequencies is allowed to escape.

Why does putting a potentiometer right in front of the capacitor only affect the tone instead of the volume? Good question, me. That’s most definitely a question for a potentiometer article though, because it’s going to require a complete breakdown of the pot mechanism as well.

Electricity is confusing sometimes, and it took me some time to go out of the way to research all of this stuff – before that, I would just work off of diagrams knowing A + B = C without any deeper understanding. After I took the time to learn about what I was putting together and how these components are all working with each other (or against in most cases), I had a flood of new questions and theories to find answers for and felt like I was ready to start taking on some more ambitious modifications.

Capacitor Values Breakdown

So now that we’ve looked at how the capacitor is actually changing the signal, and being selective about it with the help of a variable resistor, let’s get the numbers down. Each capacitor is going to have two numbers associated with it – the value and the voltage. Before we get into the important matters, I want to just narrow your scope of interest and point out that the voltage rating on a capacitor is not going to matter 99% of the time when it comes to electric guitars.


The voltage rating is essentially the amount of electricity that can come through at any given time before it burns out or degrades. A passive guitar’s circuit is only putting in a few volts, so generally any rating over 6 or 7 volts is enough…I can’t remember a time when I even came across a capacitor that wouldn’t be more than suitable. Active pickups put slightly more power into the circuit, usually thanks to a 9v battery.

Sometimes pickup setups are modified to run two 9 volt batteries – still just about nothing when considering that most capacitors are made to handle voltage by the hundreds.

The value of a capacitor is either written right on the thing or marked with some bands of color that you can decode. Paper in Oil capacitors will often have an alphanumeric code associated with them that you can just run through Google for a quick identification, but Ceramic, Electrolytic, Tantalum, Mica, and Poly Film caps are going to have bands of color that require a bit of math to work out. The following charts will help decode electrolytic and poly film caps (read here for the rest):

Capacitor Value Codes

First #


(T) < 10pf

± 2.0 pF
± 0.1 pF
± 0.25 pF
± .5 pF
± 1.0 pF

Capacitor Voltage Color Codes

Type J
Type L
Type N

If you’d like to learn more about the color code system, I’d recommend reading this guide from Electronics Tutorials. And if you’d prefer to skip all that and just get some quick help in identifying a mystery cap, use this code calculator.

The value of a capacitor is measured in Farads, but the capacitances we’re dealing with for our humble guitar circuits are small and are most commonly measured in Microfarads (µF) or Picofarads (pF). If you’re trying to go from one to the other, one picofarad is 1 millionth of a microfarad (ex. 4700pF = .047µF). Here’s the most common values:

Capacitor Voltage Color Codes

Value (pF)
10,000 pF
Capacitor Code Chart
15,000 pF
22,000 pF
33,000 pF
47,000 pF
68,000 pF
100,000 pF

Smd Capacitor Code Chart

As the capacitance goes up, the tone gets darker. You’ll know why if you didn’t skip my long-winded explanation at the start. Speaking of common values, here’s a rule of thumb (and another variable to bore you with): pot rating! Normally you’re going to see guitar companies using 250k pots for single coil pickups and 500k pots for humbuckers. With an identical signal being passed through 250k and 500k variable resistors, you can expect the tone of the 250k pot to be darker while the 500k will be brighter.

The reason for that tangent is because you’ll find manufacturers also pair particular cap values with the pot size:

The practice of pairing the caps with the pots in such a way isn’t counterintuitive (darker pot with darker cap?) but simply the setup being tuned to reflect the pickup’s tonal qualities. Many people suggest first experimenting with caps that are lower than the standard value that came with your guitar because it’s going to produce the most dramatic difference. I like to make a little variable cap selector with a rotary knob and use a couple of alligator clips to put it in the circuit after removing the original capacitor, that way I can test out a bunch of tones without much hassle. Most of the time, I don’t know which values I’m selecting…and I like that because it keeps me focused on what’s truly important.

You are probably wondering if the right tone pot and capacitor could touch on all the sounds you might be trying to achieve with different capacitors. The cap affects tone even when the tone knob is all the way open, so choosing your value is important. You aren’t changing the value of the cap with a variable resistor, just the frequencies that are let through to be bled off or kept in the circuit by the cap’s value.

So far we have a lot of variables to consider: 1. Pickups, 2. Pots, 3. Cap values. All are contributing to the end product in their own way, and knowing how they work can save you a lot of time when you’re trying to achieve a particular voice. The reason I put numbers on them is because that’s the sequence in which they should be considered…you can just go down the line. It also happens to order each component by how much it affects your tone. Pickups are obviously the most important, but does that mean the capacitor is something that doesn’t really make a difference one way or another? YouTube provides plenty of evidence for the tone cap ‘hype’ (as the critics call it). A good starting point is this four part series here. I’ll give my personal opinion on tonal differences a bit later, but for now we can make a smooth transition into…

Understanding the Brands & Types of Capacitors for Guitars

When you start Googling around for tone caps, you’re going to see a lot of hype around Orange Drops, Bumblebees, and other nicknames that are mostly based on the cap colors. You’re also going to hear a LOT of different material names: mylar, metalized polyester, electrolytic, tantalum, paper in oil, etc.

I’m going to reorganize all this info here for you now to make your life slightly easier. There are four main categories to consider:

Material Subtypes
Reported Tonal Qualities



Metalized Polyester Film [made with Mylar]

Mylar [DuPont’s branded polyester]

A tone that is described as ‘bright’.

Polystyrene variants reported to have some interesting frequency loss characteristics in higher ranges.

‘Dark’, ‘warm’, ‘smooth’ tone.

Shortest shelf-life.

Most prone to DC leakage.

Described as ‘the brightest’ sound.

Also described as ‘anemic’.

Common due to their cheapness – generally not held in high regard among capacitor enthusiasts.

Ceramic Capacitor Code Chart




Technically, they are paper in oil – but their differences in material and function warrant their own category.

Short shelf life – prone to burnouts when used after a long period of disuse.

Polarity sensitive – correct installation required.

DC Leakage.

Tantalum described as the superior electrolytic cap.

Often avoided due to their polarity issues.

There seems to be a few people touting a brand called V-Caps which uses various materials in their products: Teflon film, copper, metalized polypropylene, and tin foil.

Their materials and construction are probably most similar Orange Drops and Poly Film caps in general – I don’t know anything else about them except that they’re designed specifically for audio applications, which sets them apart from most other caps…they may be worth a listen.

Smd Capacitor Code Chart Pdf

Paper and wax caps are another option that have had some good reviews in electric guitar modification. I haven’t gotten around to trying them yet either.

Tonal Qualities of Capacitors

Finally, we come to the end. I saved this for last because it’s a matter of controversy and I’m not taking sides, but I cannot write about tone caps and not talk about the market.

Many guitarists and audiophiles alike are convinced of the specific, unique tonal qualities that can be found in particular brands of caps, ‘vintage’ caps / specific years of manufacturing, and the like. I spoke about a few of these disputed qualities above while I was describing the different categories of capacitors you’re likely to come across.

Does a .047µF paper in oil cap sound any different than a ceramic cap with the same exact value? Does a .022µF Orange Drop sound different than any other poly film cap?

Some people attribute the apparent differences noted in ‘vintage’ caps compared to brand new caps of the same brand, type, and marked value to be the result of degradation that has changed the actual value slightly. The DC leakage marked above as a detractor has been suggested as a possible reason for preferences being formed around aged caps as well.

Here’s a couple differing opinions that I feel have gone the extra mile in attempting to shut the other down: Gibson argues FOR the tonal differences, while a couple of audiophiles named Hank Wallace and Chad Barbour have made a tremendous effort AGAINST these claims.

What do I think? I don’t want to sway anyone one way or another, but I strongly suggest trying out different capacitor values either way because it’s entirely undisputed that changing the amount of treble bleed through different levels of capacitance has a noticeable effect on your tone.

Capacitor Code Chart Pdf

But while you’re at it, try out a few different types as well because there’s no reason not to find out for yourself while you’re already making the effort – you may discover something great.

Here is my complete conversion chart for all standard capacitor values. This chart allows one to convert between picofarads, nanofarads, and microfarads. With all the values listed here, you will not have any need to use a calculator.

1.0 pF0.0010 nF0.0000010 uF
1.1 pF0.0011 nF0.0000011 uF
1.2 pF0.0012 nF0.0000012 uF
1.3 pF0.0013 nF0.0000013 uF
1.5 pF0.0015 nF0.0000015 uF
1.6 pF0.0016 nF0.0000016 uF
1.8 pF0.0018 nF0.0000018 uF
2.0 pF0.0020 nF0.0000020 uF
2.2 pF0.0022 nF0.0000022 uF
2.4 pF0.0024 nF0.0000024 uF
2.7 pF0.0027 nF0.0000027 uF
3.0 pF0.0030 nF0.0000030 uF
3.3 pF0.0033 nF0.0000033 uF
3.6 pF0.0036 nF0.0000036 uF
3.9 pF0.0039 nF0.0000039 uF
4.3 pF0.0043 nF0.0000043 uF
4.7 pF0.0047 nF0.0000047 uF
5.1 pF0.0051 nF0.0000051 uF
5.6 pF0.0056 nF0.0000056 uF
6.2 pF0.0062 nF0.0000062 uF
6.8 pF0.0068 nF0.0000068 uF
7.5 pF0.0075 nF0.0000075 uF
8.2 pF0.0082 nF0.0000082 uF
9.1 pF0.0091 nF0.0000091 uF
10 pF0.010 nF0.000010 uF
11 pF0.011 nF0.000011 uF
12 pF0.012 nF0.000012 uF
13 pF0.013 nF0.000013 uF
15 pF0.015 nF0.000015 uF
16 pF0.016 nF0.000016 uF
18 pF0.018 nF0.000018 uF
20 pF0.020 nF0.000020 uF
22 pF0.022 nF0.000022 uF
24 pF0.024 nF0.000024 uF
27 pF0.027 nF0.000027 uF
30 pF0.030 nF0.000030 uF
33 pF0.033 nF0.000033 uF
36 pF0.036 nF0.000036 uF
39 pF0.039 nF0.000039 uF
43 pF0.043 nF0.000043 uF
47 pF0.047 nF0.000047 uF
51 pF0.051 nF0.000051 uF
56 pF0.056 nF0.000056 uF
62 pF0.062 nF0.000062 uF
68 pF0.068 nF0.000068 uF
75 pF0.075 nF0.000075 uF
82 pF0.082 nF0.000082 uF
91 pF0.091 nF0.000091 uF
100 pF0.10 nF0.00010 uF
110 pF0.11 nF0.00011 uF
120 pF0.12 nF0.00012 uF
130 pF0.13 nF0.00013 uF
150 pF0.15 nF0.00015 uF
160 pF0.16 nF0.00016 uF
180 pF0.18 nF0.00018 uF
200 pF0.20 nF0.00020 uF
220 pF0.22 nF0.00022 uF
240 pF0.24 nF0.00024 uF
270 pF0.27 nF0.00027 uF
300 pF0.30 nF0.00030 uF
330 pF0.33 nF0.00033 uF
360 pF0.36 nF0.00036 uF
390 pF0.39 nF0.00039 uF
430 pF0.43 nF0.00043 uF
470 pF0.47 nF0.00047 uF
510 pF0.51 nF0.00051 uF
560 pF0.56 nF0.00056 uF
620 pF0.62 nF0.00062 uF
680 pF0.68 nF0.00068 uF
750 pF0.75 nF0.00075 uF
820 pF0.82 nF0.00082 uF
910 pF0.91 nF0.00091 uF
1000 pF1.0 nF0.0010 uF
1100 pF1.1 nF0.0011 uF
1200 pF1.2 nF0.0012 uF
1300 pF1.3 nF0.0013 uF
1500 pF1.5 nF0.0015 uF
1600 pF1.6 nF0.0016 uF
1800 pF1.8 nF0.0018 uF
2000 pF2.0 nF0.0020 uF
2200 pF2.2 nF0.0022 uF
2400 pF2.4 nF0.0024 uF
2700 pF2.7 nF0.0027 uF
3000 pF3.0 nF0.0030 uF
3300 pF3.3 nF0.0033 uF
3600 pF3.6 nF0.0036 uF
3900 pF3.9 nF0.0039 uF
4300 pF4.3 nF0.0043 uF
4700 pF4.7 nF0.0047 uF
5100 pF5.1 nF0.0051 uF
5600 pF5.6 nF0.0056 uF
6200 pF6.2 nF0.0062 uF
6800 pF6.8 nF0.0068 uF
7500 pF7.5 nF0.0075 uF
8200 pF8.2 nF0.0082 uF
9100 pF9.1 nF0.0091 uF
10000 pF10 nF0.010 uF
11000 pF11 nF0.011 uF
12000 pF12 nF0.012 uF
13000 pF13 nF0.013 uF
15000 pF15 nF0.015 uF
16000 pF16 nF0.016 uF
18000 pF18 nF0.018 uF
20000 pF20 nF0.020 uF
22000 pF22 nF0.022 uF
24000 pF24 nF0.024 uF
27000 pF27 nF0.027 uF
30000 pF30 nF0.030 uF
33000 pF33 nF0.033 uF
36000 pF36 nF0.036 uF
39000 pF39 nF0.039 uF
43000 pF43 nF0.043 uF
47000 pF47 nF0.047 uF
51000 pF51 nF0.051 uF
56000 pF56 nF0.056 uF
62000 pF62 nF0.062 uF
68000 pF68 nF0.068 uF
75000 pF75 nF0.075 uF
82000 pF82 nF0.082 uF
91000 pF91 nF0.091 uF
100000 pF100 nF0.10 uF
110000 pF110 nF0.11 uF
120000 pF120 nF0.12 uF
130000 pF130 nF0.13 uF
150000 pF150 nF0.15 uF
160000 pF160 nF0.16 uF
180000 pF180 nF0.18 uF
200000 pF200 nF0.20 uF
220000 pF220 nF0.22 uF
240000 pF240 nF0.24 uF
270000 pF270 nF0.27 uF
300000 pF300 nF0.30 uF
330000 pF330 nF0.33 uF
360000 pF360 nF0.36 uF
390000 pF390 nF0.39 uF
430000 pF430 nF0.43 uF
470000 pF470 nF0.47 uF
510000 pF510 nF0.51 uF
560000 pF560 nF0.56 uF
620000 pF620 nF0.62 uF
680000 pF680 nF0.68 uF
750000 pF750 nF0.75 uF
820000 pF820 nF0.82 uF
910000 pF910 nF0.91 uF
1000000 pF1000 nF1.0 uF
1100000 pF1100 nF1.1 uF
1200000 pF1200 nF1.2 uF
1300000 pF1300 nF1.3 uF
1500000 pF1500 nF1.5 uF
1600000 pF1600 nF1.6 uF
1800000 pF1800 nF1.8 uF
2000000 pF2000 nF2.0 uF
2200000 pF2200 nF2.2 uF
2400000 pF2400 nF2.4 uF
2700000 pF2700 nF2.7 uF
3000000 pF3000 nF3.0 uF
3300000 pF3300 nF3.3 uF
3600000 pF3600 nF3.6 uF
3900000 pF3900 nF3.9 uF
4300000 pF4300 nF4.3 uF
4700000 pF4700 nF4.7 uF
5100000 pF5100 nF5.1 uF
5600000 pF5600 nF5.6 uF
6200000 pF6200 nF6.2 uF
6800000 pF6800 nF6.8 uF
7500000 pF7500 nF7.5 uF
8200000 pF8200 nF8.2 uF
9100000 pF9100 nF9.1 uF

Choosing capacitor values can be a real headache for most hobbyists, and engineers. 'What are the standard values?' is something I end up asking myself sometimes.

Ceramic Capacitor Code Chart

It is even worse when you have to go around the shops looking for the value you need, because some shops might list it in pF whilst others use nF, so you end up converting between picofarads, nanofarads, and microfarads to figure out if it is the same thing.

Capacitor Code Chart

Well, fear no more, because Pete is here and I decided to make a complete chart for the E24 series. There was no site on any search engine with such a chart showing every value together with the conversion. The calculations took me ages to do in my head so let us hope someone finds it useful.