Minilab Mk2 Knobs

  1. Minilab Mk2 Knobs Parts
  2. Minilab Mk2 Knobs Not Working

The MiniLab MKII has eight memory banks and number 8 is dedicated to working with Ableton Live and is setup to automatically control certain aspects of Live. The picture at the top of this post shows what the knobs do when using this setting, which works with Live 9.7.2 and up, including Live 10.


Arturia MINILAB MKII Universal MIDI Controller MiniLab MkII Keyboard Controller Features a Great-Feeling Keybed with 25 Slim Keys, 16 Knobs, 8 Pads and Touch Controls in a Space Saving Package 5.0 out of 5 stars 2. With the Minilab MK2, you get a hardware midi controller) with pads and knobs) and software synthesizer (softsynth) that comes with a decent collection of virtual synths. You actually get three software suits which include Analog Lab 2, Grand Piano (from UVI model d) and Ableton Live Lite. Get my inspiring Chord Progressions and samples here links may be part of affiliate.

I´m gonna show you guys how I did my command assignation for the pads and knobs of the Minilab MKII inside logic to control common things like: Metronome on/off, save, markers, cycle and virtually any global command inside Logic. There´s no much info about it, no tuts and the manual of the Minilab doesn´t say anything substancial covering this topic and of course Logic Pro X is not the most friendly (in some cases) for assigning MIDI controllers so, this is how I made it:
1.- DAW CONTROL: An app made by Vitaly Tarasuk. Very nice and very functional app that I used a lot before Apple decided to launch the Native Logic Control. Inside Logic this app appears as a Mackie Control compatible surface.
2.- MIDI MONITOR: A very simple app that allows you to monitor input and output MIDI messagesWorking
3.- ARTURIA MIDI CONTROL CENTER: Standard app for programing the functions and behavior of the pads and knobs of the Minilab

Minilab Mk2 Knobs Parts

1.- With the Minilab properly connected and all the apps running and ready, open Logic Pro and go to Logic Menu/Control Surfaces/Controller assign.
2.- Click on the (+) sign below the Zone column to make a new Zone. Name it Minilab MKII
3.- Find the DAW Control assignation zone, depending the functions that you want there are many zones and inside the zones are different commands controlling different things, but in this example we want to control the SAVE assignation so let´s find it!Minilab
4.- Locate the CONTROL SURFACE:LOGIC CONTROL zone, inside this zone are a few controls assigned to it´s respective parameters, one of them is SAVE.
5.Knobs- Locate and Click on it to display the assignation route.
6.- Copy (cmd+c) the SAVE control and paste it inside the Minilab MKII zone that was created before.
7.- So far so good. click on it and change the input message route to: Minilab MKII and change the MIDI Channel to 10 (In my case that´s what I like)
8.- Go to Arturia MIDI control center and assign one of the pads with the exact same MIDI note, in this case looks like this: 90 50 Lo7. Below logic translate as NOTE CH1, G#4 Lo7 but I´m gonna change it to channel 10.
9.- Use MIDI MONITOR app to understand better the MIDI data that is send and received, it will help you to understand better the controller assignation if you have doubts inside the MIDI control center, specially with knobs and values.
10.- That´s all! Basically I´ve copied all the Logic control assignments to my Minilab MKII Zone and tweaked to CH10 and assign those inside the MIDI control center and save them to a memory slot in the Minilab. You can do it with any command you like just changing the command form the menu.

Minilab Mk2 Knobs Not Working

Things that I want to control and still no figure it out how to do it:
On/off all the plugins inside a channel strip with one button. That would be cool!
Hope you find this useful!